
2. Now onto the pork chops, begin by making small cuts into the fat side of the pork chops, this will ensure when cooking, that the pork doesn’t fold and stays nice and flat. When ready use a meat tenderiser (or a rolling pin) to flatten out the pork chops. Repeat this process on both sides until the pork becomes slightly flatter.

3. When the pork is ready, add all of the chops to the marinade and massage the marinade into the pork. Allow the pork chops to marinade overnight if possible however you could do this 4 hours before cooking.

4. Before we are ready to cook the pork we can prepare all the remaining ingredients, for the salad, slice cucumber and carrot into a julienne then place into a pickle made up of 2 tbsp sugar, 1/4 cup rice vinegar, juice of 1 lime, 1/4 cup of water and a pinch of salt. Allow to pickle for at least 30 minutes. For the rest of the salad wash and roughly chop the mint, coriander, spring onions, shallot and beansprouts. When the salad is prepared place into a bowl and set to one side.

5. Finally prepare the fried shallots, simply slice thinly lengthways then fry in cooking oil at 180°c until golden brown. When ready remove the shallots from the oil and drain onto kitchen paper. Season with a pinch of sugar and salt and set aside.

6. To cook the pork the best way would be to bbq, however if that is not an option then you could simply shallow fry or grill. Remove the pork chops from the marinade and place into a pan on a high heat with a drizzle of oil. Depending on the thickness of the pork chops these should take roughly 2 1/2 minutes each side or cook until the meat nearest to the bone reaches 60°c. When the pork is nice and charred place the pork onto a chopping board and cover with kitchen foil allowing to rest for 5-10 minutes.

Additional notes
This recipe also works great with chicken breast although I would definitely recommend grilling on a bbq. As for the pork chops you could also use pork shoulder or even pork fillet although the cooking times would vary…Have fun playing around with this recipe!