
Brisket Meatballs

3. For the brisket begin by removing as much fat as possible carefully with a sharp boning knife. When the fat has been trimmed slice the brisket into small steaks then into strips. Now cut the strips into a small dice for an almost minced diced brisket. (By mincing the brisket in this way it will make the pounding process much easier).

4. At this stage the brisket is far easier to work with to create an almost paste like texture. There are two ways in which to do this by using a food processor to assist or by simply pounding continuously with a meat tenderiser. If using a food processor then blend the diced brisket until the meat becomes smooth and slightly translucent in colour. If you manage to spot any pieces of fat or tendons then try to remove if possible. If you decide to pound with a tenderiser then do so in small batches using a knife to assist by mincing the meat as well as pounding. (This method could however take up to 25 minutes to achieve the same consistency therefore, i definitely recommend using a food processor to save time).

8. Now all components are ready all that’s left to do is to cook the meatballs, place a deep pan of water onto the heat and get the temperature to a low simmer. To cook the meatballs the best way is to wear a latex glove on one hand then grab a handful of the meatball paste. (This part seems a little strange, however it does work nicely). Now using your thumb and index finger gently squeeze the paste through until a small smooth ball of the paste is made. This sounds intense but its actually fairly simple once you get the feel for it. When a smooth ball is formed use a spoon in the other hand to place the balls into the simmering water. Repeat this process until all of the meatballs are made then cook on a low heat for 12-15 minutes. When cooked drain from the water and place into a bowl.

9. Finally we can serve, divide the cooked rice noodles into 4 serving bowls then add a generous amount of the herb salad and beansprouts over the rice noodles. Add the cooked meatballs then ladle over the broth. Top the soup with fried shallots and a squeeze of lime and nourish! Hope you like this recipe.

Additional notes
When making the meatballs it is best to use a food processor with a high wattage as it takes some effort to make the meat almost paste like. Instead of brisket you could apply the same technique to make pork or chicken meatballs as an alternative. I highly recommend trying to make these meatballs as the texture and smoothness is so much better than ordinary meatballs. However, you could simply follow this recipe and use more traditional mince meat meatballs if you wish. As for the broth instead of pork ribs then you could use chicken wings to create a slightly lighter broth if you prefer. Have fun with this recipe!