Milk bread is super soft bread, toasting a slice takes it to another level. For this recipe I wanted to create more of a desert loaf rather than a savoury one. I used the Tangzhong method to make this bread which originates from Taiwan. I definitely recommend eating a toasted slice of this with some fresh bitter green tea. Now let’s bake…
- Begin this recipe by making tangzhong, this is essentially a roux. In a pan add 45ml of water, 45ml whole milk then 15g of bread flour, turn the pan onto a low heat and gently whisk until the mix thickens. The consistency should become quite thick and elastic, when we’ve achieved this consistency remove from the pan and allow to cool to room temperature.

4. Roll one half of the dough into a ball then add to a lightly greased bowl (veg oil is fine) and clingfilm. For the other half of the dough add 1 generous tbsp of sieved matcha powder and kneed together until the matcha is even throughout the dough (this may take around 5 minutes). When ready, again shape into a ball then add to a separate lightly greased bowl. Leave the two doughs to prove in a warm area covered in clingfilm for approximately 60 to 90 minutes until doubled in size (you can prove easily by adding a pan of hot water into an oven then place the two bowls on top).

5. When the dough has finished proving it should now be doubled in size, poke a hole in each dough with two fingers to allow the excess air to escape. Next lightly flour the surface and roll each dough with a rolling pin into two equal large rectangles roughly 45cm by 25cm and 1cm thick. When both doughs are roughly equal in size place on top of each other starting with the plain dough on the bottom.

6. Next step cut the the dough into 2 equal halves again and place all four sheets of dough together.

7. Next step roll the dough from the shortest part (like a cigar). Makes sure you try to keep the roll as tight as possible.

8. When rolled place the dough into a loaf tin then allow to prove for a further 30 mintues with clingfilm over the top until the dough as puffed up.

9. Now the dough is finally ready to bake, lightly brush the dough with a drop of milk and egg wash, sprinkle black sesame seeds over the top and bake for 35 minutes at 170 degrees centigrade turning occasionally. When baked remove from the tin and allow to rest on a cool rack for 30 minutes.