
3. In a separate bowl add 7 egg whites and whisk until a ribbon consistency is formed (you can use a machine whisk to make it quick). When at ribbon constancy add 70g of sugar and whisk a little more until the egg white becomes slightly more firm.
4. Now with a spatular we want to fold in the matcha mix into the egg whites, take care not to mix to roughly as it will knock too much air out of the mixture.

5. When the mix is totally smooth put all of the mixture into a lightly greased loaf tin covered in parchment paper. The loaf tin I used was roughly a medium sized loaf tin however you could bake in a round cake tin if you prefer. When ready place the tin into a tray and cover the outside of the tray around half way with boiling hot water (create a bain marie). Bake in a hot oven at 160 degrees centigrade for 25 minutes until cooked..