
2. Now to start pounding, we want to add all of the ingredients at various stages to maximise the flavour of the curry paste. To the mortar and pestle begin by adding the shallots, garlic, lemongrass, galangal and 1/2 tsp of salt then pound until roughly broken down.

3. Next we want to add the citrusy elements, peel 2 limes or kafir limes if you can find some and finely slice 4 karfir lime leaves. Add these to the mortar and pestle also and again pound until broken down.

Additional notes
To make curry paste vegan friendly then simply remove the shrimp paste and either replace with a touch of vegan fish sauce or just leave it out. Thai green curry paste are most effective when used with coconut milk to enrich the paste. This curry paste is also best as fresh as possible with quick cook times for maximum flavour.